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- Soure: Scottish Daily Express
- Date: February 23, 1996
- A TEENAGER claimed yesterday he had to flee in terror as a massive UFO tracked
- him from the night sky.
- Archie Scott said he saw the object as he was walking in a field and had to
- scramble through a barbed wire fence to escape.
- The 17-year-old described how he watched teh craft - which was about the size
- of his five bedroomed house - hover a couple of hundred feet above him at about
- 8pm on Tuesday.
- "I've never been so terrified in my life," said Archie from Auldearn, near
- Nairn. "I'd already spotted it before it moved towards me. I was terrified I
- just flung myself through a barbed wire fence."
- Archie said the object performed a strange manoeuvre and its blue light turned
- red.
- "It was wedge-shaped but when it moved forward, the shape became more distinct,
- more like a torpedo," he said.
- The teenager said he ran about 20 yards for cover before stopping to watch the
- object drift away.
- "It just made a humming noise - there was no engine-like sound coming from it
- at all," he said.
- The latest sighting adds to the UFO euphoria which has hit the highlands in
- recent weeks. There have been countless sightings of a strange object and light
- in the sky above the Beauly Firth outside Inverness.
- However, a local amateur astronomer, Dr James Dick, said the latest sighting
- was probably a planet.
- "Reports of the bright spherical light could be explained by atmospheric
- conditions which produce distorted images of Venus and the moon in the night
- sky."
- But Archie is convinced he saw something extraterrestrial. "I know what I saw
- and there is definately something out there.
- "The last thing I would do is make this up."
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